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黑龙江工程学院 www.hljit.edu.cn

  黑龙江工程学院 www.hljit.edu.cn 作为一所新建的本科院校,我们既不能对原有专科进行简单放大和延伸,也不能盲目攀高、进行脱胎换骨的改造,更不能亦步亦趋地跟踪现有本科院校的模式,我们要在珍视五十年办学的丰富历史积淀基础上,转变思想观念,积极探索工程应用型本科教育的新途径。我们将始终坚持办学以师为本、教育以生为本、管理以人为本的教育理念,以质量求生存,以特色求发展;我们将更加突出作为教学型本科院校的教学中心地位,大力开展教育创新,努力探索培养工程应用型人才的创新之路;我们将继续建设具有工程实践能力的特色教师队伍和工程实践教育环境,营造工程文化教育氛围,同时,坚持以德治校、以法治校、民主治校,构建现代大学制度,树立科学发展观,推动学院的全面、协调、可持续发展,开拓新型本科院校发展的崭新局面。

      HeiLongJiang Institute of Technology, as a newly-built institute, neither should we simplify and enlarge the previous college, nor should we blindly pursue the high goal, obtain a total change. Nor should we intimate and follow the ready patterns of other institutes or universities. Cherishing the valuable and rich accumulation of fifty years history dated from the founding the institution, we’ll probe the new way of founding engineering practical institute. We’ll consistently follow the educational notion of teachers-centered in founding the institute; students-centered in education and human environment in administration, stressing quality and uniqueness. The system of modern higher education has been established: founding the institute with morality, law and democracy. Eatablishing the leading status of teaching in the institute, we’ll continue to train the characteristic teaching staff with engineering practical ablility and creat the engineering practical education environment and simultaneously improve the development of the institute completely, coordinately and consistently and explore the new prospect of modern undergraduate university.


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